"Askhenry is such a friend of yours."

Bee Talents – a dynamically developing agency supporting IT recruitment and HR processes, led by the charismatic Aleksandra Pszczoła.

The Bee Talents team chose benefits from AskHenry in an interesting way and continue to use our services.
Read the team’s statements and see why!

Why AskHenry? Innovation and real value for the team

Before Bee Talents chose AskHenry, a core team gathered, analysed our solution and voted on it, deciding to allocate its own funds for this purpose. Bold. The selection criterion was an innovative benefit that gives real value to the company and employees.

After a year of cooperation, what can you say about AskHenry and what “real value” we give?

Beginnings – implementation and building trust

Paweł Pisanko, Business Developer: 

Since the beginning of our cooperation we had already gained the trust of our partner because the approach itself, the way we started this cooperation, allowed me to entrust these documents and await the result.

Aleksandra Pszczoła:

I remember my first meeting with Henry, which was delightful, and we immediately got along. It also affects our trust very well, very strongly. We all like Henry very much and I think this is another positive aspect. It seems to me that the people who perform this function are not chosen at random, but actually fit very well into the culture of the company.

At AskHenry, we are always 100% committed before we start cooperation, as we believe this is one of the keys to success and partnership. Why?

Because our service is for companies that want a benefit from which they can truly benefit!

In addition to providing the “WOW effect”, we make sure that the way AskHenry works is understood as well as possible from the very beginning. This affects the use of the service and the quality of life of employees.

The mission of the people serving our Clients directly, in addition to accepting orders and saving time, is to bring positive energy to the company, which is clearly successful.

In addition, AskHenry is a service that you need to use to better understand it. Here, too, we are effective and have a lot of experience.

At first, we were a little bit uncertain, because we did not really know how much and what we could outsource. However, after a while it turned out that there are really very many of these things and we are making more and more of these orders.

We are very used to this service; we use it on an even larger scale, we think of more and more new ideas to use. We may have become a little lazy, but only in the positive sense.

What value do we bring?

From our conversations with Bee Talents, we have chosen those statements that best reflect what we do and what value we give, in no particular order. The service is best described by its users.

Practical solutions tailored to broad needs

The first thing is that our office affairs that we have in Bee Talents, such as sending mail or buying a new chair or desk for our new employees, just got easier. We no longer need to spend time doing these kinds of things, but we can ask our Henry to do it for us.

A huge amount of things that were left to be done sometime later and there was no rush with them, thanks to which we do all things faster and also such trifles, such as buying a protein conditioner, or a single item, for which you have to go to the shopping centre specially.

There is nothing that he is not able to do for us, and it is terribly inefficient for me to go to the other end of town to pick something up. If Henry can go to 4 different places, doesn’t everyone benefit from it?

We have executed almost 1800 types of orders, and this number is increasing every day. If the order is legal and feasible for our bright team – we can say with a great deal of certainty – we will take care of you. Thanks to this, we are able to adapt to wide and diverse needs.

Dominika Domachowska, Tech Recruitment Team Leader

Time for important things

We save an hour that can be spent on hobbies, on private things, on spending time with family or on anything other than things that we do not want to spend time on.
There is a nice saying: why don’t we value time as much as money; we can always lose money, and no one can give us time back. This is the kind of thing that speaks to me when it comes to using services.

What can we add? Balancing work and private life, efficiency and rest, is a huge challenge today. For every task, we need time, focus and, as in everything in life, a little luck.

We specialize in replacing customers in everyday and unusual errands, giving them time and we hope, at least a little luck.

Recruitment magnet

ZAskHenry is definitely a topic of interest during a recruitment interview. Some candidates do not believe that such an option is possible at all. It is also such a pleasant surprise during preliminary interviews.
It seems to me that this is cool because it shows the pro-team attitude of the company. Not only do we focus on getting our business running smoothly, but so that everyone who works here can simply work more comfortably and better.
I believe that this is something that can really attract interesting candidates or can make the offer stand out.

Having a personal assistant in the company, for every employee, is certainly not yet standard. Many of our clients remark that AskHenry is a strong point of attention during recruitment interviews.

Magdalena Strugarek, Junior Tech Recruiter

Reliable Partners

It is also great that he has a developed a base of people with whom he works.Therefore, I know that when he gives, for example, shoes for repair he gives them to a trusted person, and I do not have to look for a cobbler that will be reliable myself.

3 years of operation and more than 21000 executed orders. Thanks to this, we have collected dozens of proven and trusted partners: laundry service points, cobblers, tailors, leatherworkers, smartphone repair, and service for other electronic devices.


CEO Alexandra Pszczoła’s statement best sums up our cooperation.

It is difficult to provide such benefits that would somehow distinguish us, and on the other hand, provide the greatest possible value.AskHenry fits perfectly into this template.

On the one hand, he saves our time, facilitates office duties such as bringing a chair from IKEA for a new employee or taking the mail, but also helps the team in carrying out daily tasks.

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